Flutter Desktop — a Hello World App for Linux, MacOS and Windows

There are many tutorials out there that teach you how to get started in Flutter for mobile. But resources on Flutter for desktop are still lacking. Today I will walk you through the steps of creating a Hello World! App on Flutter Desktop. Note: The following commands have been tested on Linux and MacOS only, since those are the OSes that I personally use. Setting up Flutter for Desktop First install Flutter for your desktop operating system....

November 8, 2020 · Joel Tok

Flutter Camera - An Example with Detailed Explanations and Pitfalls

Introduction Working in Flutter to build my new mobile app (now defunct) ZapCam has been an amazing experience. For those who do not know, Flutter is an open-sourced cross-platform mobile app development framework, developed by Google and written in Dart. Developing in it has been surprisingly elegant. The type system of Dart is clean and expressive, and Flutter itself offers many development tools that come prepackaged that makes development, building and deploying for device a total breeze....

October 6, 2020 · Joel Tok