Python 3 – Dependency Reproducibility between Environments

Introduction Python dependency management can be a big headache. Many a times I have returned to a past project in Python with its varied dependencies, attempted to reinstall all libraries it depends upon, only to be faced with various issues on compatibility. Worse, ensuring that the same dependencies are loaded in development and in production can be another challenge in and of itself. This highlights important problems when it comes to environment reproducibility....

October 14, 2022 · Joel Tok

Debugging Docker

Introduction Docker is a powerful container deployment and management tool, but its abstractions might sometimes cause a headache when faced with the need to debug issues with docker applications. I wrote this blog post to alleviate some of mine, structured as a sort-of checklist. When working with Docker, it is useful to think in terms of these 3 aspects of dockerisation: build, container and the docker runtime (or daemon) itself....

September 1, 2022 · Joel Tok